When a bureau initiates a public meeting with affected parties it will take the following actions:
The bureau will notify the Tribe/Consortium of the meeting time, place, and invited parties:
Ten days in advance, if possible; or
If less than 10 days in advance, at the earliest practical time.
When the bureau notifies the Tribe/Consortium, the bureau will invite the Tribe/Consortium to participate in and, unless prohibited by law, to co-sponsor or co-facilitate the meeting.
When possible, the bureau and the Tribe/Consortium should meet to plan and discuss the conduct of the meeting, meeting protocols, and general participation in the proposed consultation meeting.
The bureau and the Tribe/Consortium will conduct the meeting in a manner that facilitates and does not undermine the government-to-government relationship and self-governance;
The Tribe/Consortium may provide technical support to the bureau to enhance the consultation process, as mutually agreed.