PHA briefing of family. (1) When the PHA selects a family to participate in a tenant-based program, the PHA must give the family an oral briefing. The briefing must include information on the following subjects:
A description of how the program works;
Family and owner responsibilities; and
Where the family may lease a unit, including renting a dwelling unit inside or outside the PHA jurisdiction, and any information on selecting a unit that HUD provides.
An explanation of how portability works. The PHA may not discourage the family from choosing to live anywhere in the PHA jurisdiction, or outside the PHA jurisdiction under portability procedures, unless otherwise expressly authorized by statute, regulation, PIH Notice, or court order. The family must be informed of how portability may affect the family's assistance through screening, subsidy standards, payment standards, and any other elements of the portability process which may affect the family's assistance.
The briefing must also explain the advantages of areas that do not have a high concentration of low-income families.
In briefing a family that includes any disabled person, the PHA must take appropriate steps to ensure effective communication in accordance with 24 CFR 8.6.
In briefing a welfare-to-work family, the PHA must include specification of any local obligations of a welfare-to-work family and an explanation that failure to meet these obligations is grounds for PHA denial of admission or termination of assistance.
Information packet. When a family is selected to participate in the program, the PHA must give the family a packet that includes information on the following subjects:
The term of the voucher, voucher suspensions, and PHA policy on any extensions of the term. If the PHA allows extensions, the packet must explain how the family can request an extension;
How the PHA determines the amount of the housing assistance payment for a family, including:
How the PHA determines the payment standard for a family; and
How the PHA determines the total tenant payment for a family.
How the PHA determines the maximum rent for an assisted unit;
Where the family may lease a unit and an explanation of how portability works, including information on how portability may affect the family's assistance through screening, subsidy standards, payment standards, and any other elements of the portability process which may affect the family's assistance.
The HUD-required “tenancy addendum” that must be included in the lease;
The form that the family uses to request PHA approval of the assisted tenancy, and an explanation of how to request such approval;
A statement of the PHA policy on providing information about a family to prospective owners;
PHA subsidy standards, including when the PHA will consider granting exceptions to the standards;
Materials (e.g., brochures) on how to select a unit and any additional information on selecting a unit that HUD provides.
Information on federal, State and local equal opportunity laws, and a copy of the housing discrimination complaint form;
A list of landlords known to the PHA who may be willing to lease a unit to the family or other resources (e.g., newspapers, organizations, online search tools) known to the PHA that may assist the family in locating a unit. PHAs must ensure that the list of landlords or other resources covers areas outside of poverty or minority concentration.
Notice that if the family includes a disabled person, the family may request a current listing of accessible units known to the PHA that may be available;
Family obligations under the program;
Family obligations under the program, including any obligations of a welfare-to-work family.
The advantages of areas that do not have a high concentration of low-income families.