Certification requirements. (1) To qualify for a first-year grant under 23 U.S.C. 163, a State must submit a certification by an appropriate State official, that the State has enacted and is enforcing a 0.08 BAC per se law that conforms to 23 U.S.C. 163 and § 1225.4 of this part and that the funds will be used for eligible projects and programs.
If the State's 0.08 BAC per se law is currently in effect and is being enforced, the certification shall be worded as follows:
If the State's 0.08 BAC per se law is not currently in effect, but will become effective and be enforced before the end of the current fiscal year, the certification shall be worded as follows:
To qualify for a subsequent-year grant under 23 U.S.C. 163, a State must submit a certification by an appropriate State official.
If the State's 0.08 BAC per se law has not changed since the State last qualified for grant funds under this program, the certification shall be worded as follows:
If the State's 0.08 BAC per se law has changed since the State last qualified for grant funds under this program, the certification shall be worded as follows:
An original and four copies of the certification shall be submitted to the appropriate NHTSA Regional Administrator. Each Regional Administrator will forward the certifications it receives to appropriate NHTSA and FHWA offices.
Each State that submits a certification will be informed by the agencies whether or not it qualifies for funds.
To qualify for grant funds in a fiscal year, certifications must be received by the agencies not later than July 15 of that fiscal year.
Limitation on grants. A State may receive grant funds, subject to the following limitations:
The amount of a grant apportioned to a State under § 1225.4 of this part shall be determined by multiplying:
The amount authorized to carry out section 163 of 23 U.S.C. for the fiscal year; by
The ratio that the amount of funds apportioned to each such State under section 402 for such fiscal year bears to the total amount of funds apportioned to all such States under section 402 for such fiscal year.
A State may obligate grant funds apportioned under this Part for any project eligible for assistance under title 23 of the United States Code.
The Federal share of the cost of a project funded with grant funds awarded under this part shall be 100 percent.