For each advisory committee used by A.I.D., the Administrator designates an A.I.D., employee to serve as the A.I.D. Advisory Committee Representative.
The designated A.I.D. employee performs functions required by section 10 of the Act and assigned herein. Such functions include:
Calling, or giving advance approval to, advisory committee meetings;
Approving an agenda for each meeting;
Making recommendations on proposals to close meetings, or parts of meetings, to the public; and clearing such recommendation with the Advisory Committee Management Officer and the General Counsel for decisions by the Administrator;
Assuring that advance notices of each meeting (whether open or closed) are published in the Federal Register, provided through other means such as press releases and direct mail, and provided to the Advisory Committee Management Officer.
Assuring that open meetings are accessible to the public;
As specified by the Administrator, chairing or attending each meeting;
Determining the number of committee members necessary to be present at any meeting for the transaction of committee business;
Adjourning any meeting, whenever he determines adjournment to be in the public interest;
Assuring that minutes are kept of each advisory committee meeting and of the meetings of sub-committees and sub-groups, and that such minutes are certified for accuracy by the chairman or presiding officer of the committee; and
Assuring that, subject to section 552 of title 5 United States Code, the documents of the advisory committee are made available for public inspection and copying.
Maintaining a current list of members of the advisory committee, and furnishing membership information to the A.I.D. Advisory Committee Management Officer on request.