In accordance with this subpart, the Agency shall make the following materials available for public inspection in an electronic format:
Operational policy in USAID's Automated Directives System (ADS) which have been adopted by the Agency and are not published in the Federal Register;
Administrative staff manuals and instructions to staff that affect any member of the public; and
Copies of all records, regardless of form or format, which have been released pursuant to a FOIA request, and which have been requested three (3) or more times, or because of the nature of their subject matter, have become or are likely to become the subject of subsequent requests for substantially the same records. The Agency shall decide on a case by case basis whether records fall into this category, based on the following factors:
Previous experience with similar records;
The particular characteristics of the records involved, including their nature and the type of information contained in them; and
The identity and number of requesters and whether there is widespread media, historical, academic, or commercial interest in the records.