Unclassified technical data. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection or U.S. Postal authorities shall permit the export without a license of unclassified technical data if the export is in furtherance of a manufacturing license or technical assistance agreement which has been approved in writing by the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) and the technical data does not exceed the scope or limitations of the relevant agreement. The approval of the DDTC must be obtained for the export of any unclassified technical data that may exceed the terms of the agreement.
Classified technical data. The export of classified information in furtherance of an approved manufacturing license or technical assistance agreement which provides for the transmittal of classified information does not require further approval from the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls when:
The United States party certifies to the Department of Defense transmittal authority that the classified information does not exceed the technical or product limitations in the agreement; and
The U.S. party complies with the requirements of the Department of Defense National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual concerning the transmission of classified information (unless such requirements are in direct conflict with guidance provided by the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, in which case the latter guidance must be followed) and any other requirements of cognizant U.S. departments or agencies.