It is the Department's intent to approve a grantee's 4-year strategic plan before the date on which funds for the program become available unless:
The planning documents do not contain the information specified in the regulations in this part and/or the FOA; or
The services which the INA program grantee proposes are not permitted under WIOA or applicable regulations.
After competitive grant selections have been made, the DINAP office will assist INA program grantees in resolving any outstanding issues with the 4-year plan. However, the Department may delay funding to grantees until all issues have been resolved. If the issues with the application of an incumbent grantee cannot be solved, the Department will reallocate funds from the grantee to other grantees that have an approved 4-year plan. The Grant Officer may delay executing a grant agreement and obligating funds to an entity selected through the competitive process until all the required documents—including the 4-year plan—are in place and satisfactory.
The Department may approve a portion of the plan and disapprove other portions.
The grantee also has the right to appeal a nonselection decision or a decision by the Department to deny or reallocate funds based on unresolved issues with the applicant's application or 4-year plan. Such an appeal would go to the Office of the Administrative Law Judges under procedures at § 683.800 or § 683.840 of this chapter in the case of a nonelection.