The recipient of the funds is responsible for all funds under its grant(s) awarded under WIOA title I and the Wagner-Peyser Act.
The local government's chief elected official(s) in a local area is liable for any misuse of the WIOA grant funds allocated to the local area under WIOA secs. 128 and 133, unless the chief elected official(s) reaches an agreement with the Governor to bear such liability.
When a local workforce area or region is composed of more than one unit of general local government, the liability of the individual jurisdictions must be specified in a written agreement between the chief elected officials.
When there is a change in the chief elected official(s), the Local WDB is required to inform the new chief elected official(s), in a timely manner, of their responsibilities and liabilities as well as the need to review and update any written agreements among the chief elected official(s).
The use of a fiscal agent does not relieve the chief elected official, or Governor if designated under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, of responsibility for any misuse of grant funds allocated to the local area under WIOA secs. 128 and 133.