Using funds from the Governor's Reserve the State may:
Provide technical assistance to local areas including assistance with structuring WIOA Pay-for-Performance contracting strategies, performance data collection, meeting performance data entry requirements, and identifying levels of performance.
Conduct evaluations of local WIOA Pay-for-Performance contracting strategies, if appropriate.
Conduct other activities that comply with limitations on the use of the Governor's Reserve.
Using non-Federal funds, Governors may establish incentives for Local WDBs to implement WIOA Pay-for-Performance contract strategies as described in this subpart.
In the case of a State in which local areas are implementing WIOA Pay-for-Performance contract strategies, the State must:
Collect and report to the Department data on the performance of service providers entering into WIOA Pay-for-Performance contracts, measured against the levels of performance benchmarks specified in the contracts, pursuant to sec. 116(d)(2)(K) of WIOA and § 677.160 of this chapter and in accordance with any additional guidance issued by the Secretary.
Collect and report to the Department State and/or local evaluations of the design and performance of the WIOA Pay-for-Performance contract strategies, and, where possible, the level of satisfaction with the strategies among employers and participants benefitting from the strategies, pursuant to sec. 116(d)(2)(K) of WIOA and § 677.160 of this chapter, and in accordance with any guidance issued by the Secretary.
Monitor local areas' use of WIOA Pay-for-Performance contract strategies to ensure compliance with § 683.500 and the contract specifications in § 683.510, and State procurement policies.
Monitor local areas' expenditures to ensure that no more than 10 percent of a local area's adult and dislocated worker allotments and no more than 10 percent of a local area's youth allotment is reserved and used on WIOA Pay-for-Performance contract strategies.
The Secretary will issue additional guidance on State roles in WIOA Pay-for-Performance contract strategies.