The Secretary may waive for a State, or local area in a State, any of the statutory or regulatory requirements of subtitles A, B and E of title I of WIOA, except for requirements relating to:
Wage and labor standards;
Non-displacement protections;
Worker rights;
Participation and protection of workers and participants;
Grievance procedures and judicial review;
Allocation of funds to local areas;
Eligibility of providers or participants;
The establishment and functions of local areas and Local WDBs;
Procedures for review and approval of State and Local plans;
The funding of infrastructure costs for one-stop centers; and
Other requirements relating to the basic purposes of title I of WIOA described in § 675.100 of this chapter.
The Secretary may waive for a State, or local area in a State, any of the statutory or regulatory requirements of secs. 8 through 10 of the Wagner- Peyser Act (29 U.S.C. 49g-49i) except for requirements relating to:
The provision of services to unemployment insurance claimants and veterans; and
Universal access to the basic labor exchange services without cost to job seekers.