Each required partner must:
Provide access to its programs or activities through the one-stop delivery system, in addition to any other appropriate locations;
Use a portion of funds made available to the partner's program, to the extent consistent with the Federal law authorizing the partner's program and with Federal cost principles in 2 CFR parts 200 and 2900 (requiring, among other things, that costs are allowable, reasonable, necessary, and allocable), to:
Provide applicable career services; and
Work collaboratively with the State and Local WDBs to establish and maintain the one-stop delivery system. This includes jointly funding the one-stop infrastructure through partner contributions that are based upon:
A reasonable cost allocation methodology by which infrastructure costs are charged to each partner based on proportionate use and relative benefit received;
Federal cost principles; and
Any local administrative cost requirements in the Federal law authorizing the partner's program. (This is further described in § 678.700.)
Enter into an MOU with the Local WDB relating to the operation of the one-stop delivery system that meets the requirements of § 678.500(b);
Participate in the operation of the one-stop delivery system consistent with the terms of the MOU, requirements of authorizing laws, the Federal cost principles, and all other applicable legal requirements; and
Provide representation on the State and Local WDBs as required and participate in Board committees as needed.