§ 670.120 - What definitions apply to this part?

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The following definitions apply to this part:

Absent Without Official Leave (AWOL) means an adverse enrollment status to which a student is assigned based on extended, unapproved absence from his/her assigned center or off-center place of duty. Students do not earn Job Corps allowances while in AWOL status.

Applicable local board means a local Workforce Investment Board that:

Works with a Job Corps center and provides information on local demand occupations, employment opportunities, and the job skills needed to obtain the opportunities, and

Serves communities in which the graduates of the Job Corps seek employment when they leave the program.

Capital improvement means any modification, addition, restoration or other improvement:

Which increases the usefulness, productivity, or serviceable life of an existing site, facility, building, structure, or major item of equipment;

Which is classified for accounting purposes as a “fixed asset;” and

The cost of which increases the recorded value of the existing building, site, facility, structure, or major item of equipment and is subject to depreciation.

Center means a facility and an organizational entity, including all of its parts, providing Job Corps training and designated as a Job Corps center.

Center operator means a Federal, State or local agency, or a contractor that runs a center under an agreement or contract with DOL.

Civilian conservation center (CCC) means a center operated on public land under an agreement between DOL and another Federal agency, which provides, in addition to other training and assistance, programs of work-based learning to conserve, develop, or manage public natural resources or public recreational areas or to develop community projects in the public interest.

Contract center means a Job Corps center operated under a contract with DOL.

Contracting officer means the Regional Director or other official authorized to enter into contracts or agreements on behalf of DOL.

Enrollee means an individual who has voluntarily applied for, been selected for, and enrolled in the Job Corps program, and remains with the program, but has not yet become a graduate. Enrollees are also referred to as “students” in this part.

Enrollment means the process by which individual formally becomes a student in the Job Corps program.

Graduate means an enrollee who has:

Completed the requirements of a vocational training program, or received a secondary school diploma or its equivalent as a result of participating in the Job Corps program; and

Achieved job readiness and employment skills as a result of participating in the Job Corps program.

Individual with a disability means an individual with a disability as defined in section 3 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12102).

Interagency agreement means a formal agreement between DOL and another Federal agency administering and operating centers. The agreement establishes procedures for the funding, administration, operation, and review of those centers as well as the resolution of any disputes.

Job Corps means the agency of the Department established by section 143 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) (20 U.S.C. 9201 et seq.) to perform those functions of the Secretary of Labor set forth in subtitle C of WIA Title I.

Job Corps Director means the chief official of the Job Corps or a person authorized to act for the Job Corps Director.

Low income individual means an individual who meets the definition in WIA section 101(25).

National Office means the national office of Job Corps.

National training contractor means a labor union, union-affiliated organization, business organization, association or a combination of such organizations, which has a contract with the national office to provide vocational training, placement, or other services.

Operational support services means activities or services required to support the operation of Job Corps, including:

Outreach and admissions services;

Contracted vocational training and off-center training;

Placement services;

Continued services for graduates;

Certain health services; and

Miscellaneous logistical and technical support.

Outreach and admissions agency means an organization that performs outreach, and screens and enrolls youth under a contract or other agreement with Job Corps.

Placement means student employment, entry into the Armed Forces, or enrollment in other training or education programs following separation from Job Corps.

Placement agency means an organization acting under a contract or other agreement with Job Corps to provide placement services for graduates and, to the extent possible, for former students.

Regional appeal board means the board designated by the Regional Director to consider student appeals of disciplinary discharges.

Regional Director means the chief Job Corps official of a regional office or a person authorized to act for the Regional Director.

Regional Office means a regional office of Job Corps.

Regional Solicitor means the chief official of a regional office of the DOL Office of the Solicitor, or a person authorized to act for the Regional Solicitor.

Separation means the action by which an individual ceases to be a student in the Job Corps program, either voluntarily or involuntarily.

Student means an individual enrolled in the Job Corps.

Unauthorized goods means:

Firearms and ammunition;

Explosives and incendiaries;

Knives with blades longer than 2 inches;

Homemade weapons;

All other weapons and instruments used primarily to inflict personal injury;

Stolen property;

Drugs, including alcohol, marijuana, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, tranquilizers, and drug paraphernalia except for drugs and/or paraphernalia that are prescribed for medical reasons; and

Any other goods prohibited by the center operator in a student handbook.