Intensive services available to farmworkers include those described in WIA section 134(d)(3)(C).
Intensive services may also include:
Dropout prevention activities;
Allowance payments;
Work experience, which:
Is designed to promote the development of good work habits and basic work skills at the work-site (work experience may be conducted with the public and private non-profit sectors and with the private for-profit sector when the design for this service is described in the approved grant plan); and which:
May be paid. Paid work experience must compensate participants at no less than the higher of the applicable State or Federal minimum wage; or
May be unpaid. Unpaid work experience must provide tangible benefits, in lieu of wages, to those who participate in unpaid work experience and the strategy for ensuring that tangible benefits are received must be described in the approved grant plan. The benefits to the participant must be commensurate with the participant's contribution to the hosting organization;
Literacy and English-as-a-Second language; and
Other services identified in the approved grant plan.