§ 667.210 - What administrative cost limits apply to Workforce Investment Act title I grants?

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Formula grants to States:

As part of the 15 percent that a State may reserve for Statewide activities, the State may spend up to five percent (5%) of the amount allotted under sections 127(b)(1), 132(b)(1) and 132(b)(2) of the Act for the administrative costs of Statewide workforce investment activities.

Local area expenditures for administrative purposes under WIA formula grants are limited to no more than ten percent (10%) of the amount allocated to the local area under sections 128(b) and 133(b) of the Act.

Neither the five percent (5%) of the amount allotted that may be reserved for Statewide administrative costs nor the ten percent (10%) of the amount allotted that may be reserved for local administrative costs needs to be allocated back to the individual funding streams.

Limits on administrative costs for programs operated under subtitle D of title I will be identified in the grant or contract award document.

In a One-Stop environment, administrative costs borne by other sources of funds, such as the Wagner-Peyser Act, are not included in the administrative cost limit calculation. Each program's administrative activities area chargeable to its own grant and subject to its own administrative cost limitations.