§ 661.240 - How do the unified planning requirements apply to the five-year strategic WIA and Wagner-Peyser plan and to other Department of Labor plans?

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A State may submit to the Secretary a unified plan for any of the programs or activities described in WIA section 501(b)(2). This includes the following DOL programs and activities:

The five-year strategic WIA and Wagner-Peyser plan;

Trade adjustment assistance activities and NAFTA-TAA;

Veterans' programs under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 41;

Programs authorized under State unemployment compensation laws;


Senior Community Service Employment Programs under title V of the Older Americans Act.

For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section:

A State may submit, as part of the unified plan, any plan, application form or any other similar document, that is required as a condition for the approval of Federal funding under the applicable program. These plans include such things as the WIA plan. They do not include jointly executed funding instruments, such as grant agreements, or Governor/Secretary Agreements or items such as corrective actions plans.

A state may submit a unified plan meeting the requirements of the Interagency guidance entitled State Unified Plan, Planning Guidance for State Unified Plans Under Section 501 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, in lieu of completing the individual State planning guidelines of the programs covered by the unified plan.

A State which submits a unified plan covering an activity or program described in subsection 501(b) of WIA that is approved under subsection 501(d) of the Act will not be required to submit any other plan or application in order to receive Federal funds to carry out the activity or program.

Each portion of a unified plan submitted under paragraph (a) of this section is subject to the particular requirements of Federal law authorizing the program. All grantees are still subject to such things as reporting and record-keeping requirements, corrective action plan requirements and other generally applicable requirements.

A unified plan must contain the information required by WIA section 501(c) and will be approved in accordance with the requirements of WIA section 501(d).