§ 641.910 - What grievance procedures must grantees make available to applicants, employees, and participants?

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Each grantee must establish, and describe in the grant agreement, grievance procedures for resolving complaints, other than those described by paragraph (d) of this section, arising between the grantee, employees of the grantee, sub-recipients, and applicants or participants.

The Department will not review final determinations made under paragraph (a) of this section, except to determine whether the grantee's grievance procedures were followed, and according to paragraph (c) of this section.

Allegations of violations of Federal law, other than those described in paragraph (d) of this section, which are not resolved within 60 days under the grantee's procedures, may be filed with the Chief, Division of Adult Services, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20210. Allegations determined to be substantial and credible will be investigated and addressed.

Questions about, or complaints alleging a violation of, the nondiscrimination requirements of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, sec. 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, sec. 188 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), or their implementing regulations, may be directed or mailed to the Director, Civil Rights Center, U.S. Department of Labor, Room N-4123, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20210. In the alternative, complaints alleging violations of WIOA sec. 188 may be filed initially at the grantee level. See 29 CFR 38.69, 38.72. In such cases, the grantee must use complaint processing procedures meeting the requirements of 29 CFR 38.69 through 38.76 to resolve the complaint.