Aggregate calculation of performance. Not later than 120 days after the end of each program year, the Department will determine if a grantee has met the expected levels of performance including any adjustments to such levels made in accordance with § 641.720(d) by aggregating the grantee's core measures. The aggregate is calculated by combining the percentage of goal achieved on each of the individual core measures to obtain an average score. A grantee will fail to meet its performance measures when it is does not meet 80 percent of the agreed-upon level of performance for the aggregate of all the core measures. Performance in the range of 80 to 100 percent constitutes meeting the level for the core performance measures. Performance in excess of 100 percent constitutes exceeding the level for the core performance measures.
Consequences—(1) National grantees. (i) If the Department determines that a national grantee fails to meet the expected levels of performance in a program year, as described in paragraph (a) of this section, the Department, after each year of such failure, will provide technical assistance and will require such grantee to submit a corrective action plan not later than 160 days after the end of the program year.
The corrective action plan must detail the steps the grantee will take to meet the expected levels of performance in the next program year.
Any national grantee that has failed to meet the expected levels of performance for 4 consecutive years will not be allowed to compete in the subsequent grant competition, but may compete in the next grant competition after that subsequent competition.
State grantees. (i) If the Department determines that a State fails to meet the expected levels of performance, as described in paragraph (a) of this section, the Department, after each year of such failure, will provide technical assistance and will require the State to submit a corrective action plan not later than 160 days after the end of the program year.
The corrective action plan must detail the steps the State will take to meet the expected levels of performance in the next program year.
If the Department determines that the State fails to meet the expected levels of performance for 3 consecutive program years the Department will require the State to conduct a competition to award the funds allotted to the State under sec. 506(e) of the OAA for the first full program year following the Department's determination. The new grantee will be responsible for administering the SCSEP in the State and will be subject to the same requirements and responsibilities as had been the State grantee.
Evaluation. The Department will annually evaluate, publish and make available for public review, information on the actual performance of each grantee with respect to the levels achieved for each of the core measures of performance, compared to the expected levels of performance established under § 641.720 (including any adjustments to such levels made in accordance with § 641.720(d)). The results of the Department's annual evaluation will be reported to Congress.