General. The State shall permit us and the Comptroller General of the United States (including duly authorized representatives) access to and the right to examine records relating to the services and costs for which payment was requested or made under these regulations. These records shall be retained by the State for the periods of time specified for retention of records in the Federal Acquisition Regulations (48 CFR part 4, subpart 4.7).
Audit basis. Auditing will be based on cost principles and written guidelines in effect at the time services were provided and costs were incurred. The State VR agency will be informed and given a full explanation of any questioned items. It will be given a reasonable time to explain questioned items. Any explanation furnished by the State VR agency will be given full consideration before a final determination is made on questioned items in the audit report.
Appeal of audit determinations. The appropriate SSA Regional Commissioner will notify the State VR agency in writing of his or her final determination on the audit report. If the State VR agency disagrees with that determination, it may request reconsideration in writing within 60 days after receiving the Regional Commissioner's notice of the determination. The Commissioner will make a determination and notify the State VR agency of that decision in writing, usually, no later than 45 days from the date of appeal. The decision by the Commissioner will be final and conclusive unless the State VR agency appeals that decision in writing in accordance with 45 CFR part 16 to the Department of Health and Human Services' Departmental Appeals Board within 30 days after receiving it.