An RLS cannot be paid if it appears that there are immediate or future monthly survivor benefits payable to anyone other than a widow(er) or parent. A widow(er) or parent can elect to have the RLS paid in lieu of future monthly benefits based on the employee's railroad earnings under either the Railroad Retirement Act or Social Security Act.
When an election must be filed. An election to have the RLS paid must be filed before the widow(er) or parent attains age 60 if he or she would be entitled to benefits under the Railroad Retirement Act, or before the age of eligibility if he or she would be entitled to future benefits under the Social Security Act instead of the Railroad Retirement Act.
Filing an election. An election to have the RLS paid must be made on the certification provided by the Board for that purpose, and must contain an irrevocable election to have the RLS paid in lieu of all benefits based on the employee's railroad service to which the widow(er) or parent might otherwise become entitled. Once the RLS check is negotiated, the election cannot be revoked.