The Commission hereby delegates, until it orders otherwise, to the Director of the Division of Enforcement, or such other employee or employees as the Director may designate from time to time, the authority in § 20.6(d) for issuing a special call.
The Commission hereby delegates, until it orders otherwise, to the Director of the Division of Market Oversight or such other employee or employees as the Director may designate from time to time, the authority in § 20.10 for determining the described compliance schedules.
The Commission hereby delegates, until it orders otherwise, to the Director of the Office of Data and Technology, in consultation with the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, or such other employee or employees as the Directors each may designate from time to time, the authority:
In § 20.5(a)(3) for issuing a special call for a 102S filing; and
In § 20.5(b) for issuing a special call for a 40S filing.
The Commission hereby delegates, until it orders otherwise, to the Director of the Office of Data and Technology, with the concurrence of the Director of the Division of Market Oversight, or such other employee or employees as the Directors each may designate from time to time, the authority, in § 20.7, for providing instructions or determining the format, coding structure, and electronic data transmission procedures for submitting data records and any other information required under this part.
The Directors of the Division of Enforcement, Division of Market Oversight, and the Office of Data and Technology may submit to the Commission for its consideration any matter which has been delegated in this section.
Nothing in this section prohibits the Commission, at its election, from exercising the authority delegated in this section.