General. (1) In the event that the trustee is unable to liquidate an open commodity contract subject to physical delivery or an option on a physical commodity, which cannot be settled in cash, prior to the last day of trading in that contract as required by §§ 190.02(f)(1) and 190.03(b)(5), the trustee must use its best efforts to prevent property which is to be delivered for or on behalf of a customer to fulfill that contract, or property for which delivery is being taken with respect to a customer pursuant to that contract, from becoming part of the debtor's estate.
Delivery account shall mean any account prominently designated as such in the records of the debtor which contains only the specifically identifiable property associated with delivery set forth in § 190.01(kk) (3), (4), and (5), except that with respect to § 190.01(kk) (4) and (5), delivery need not be made or taken and exercise need not be effected for such property to be included in a delivery account.
The portion of the price or the proceeds of a commodity contract upon delivery which is not specifically identifiable property under § 190.01(kk) (4) and (5) must be distributed pro rata under section 766(h) of the Code.
Rules for deliveries on behalf of a customer of a debtor. Except in the case of a commodity contract which is settled in cash, each designated contract market, swap execution facility, or clearing organization shall adopt, maintain in effect and enforce rules which have been submitted in accordance with section 5c(c) of the Act for approval by the Commission, which:
Permit the making and taking of delivery to fulfill a commodity contract for a physical commodity or an option on a physical commodity, which has not become part of the debtor's estate on the date of the entry of the order for relief but with respect to which commodity contract:
Trading has ceased on the date of the entry of the order for relief;
Notice of delivery has been tendered on or before the date of the entry of the order for relief; or,
Trading ceases before it can be liquidated by the trustee, to be effected directly between the customer of the debtor and the person identified by the clearing organization as the party to whom delivery should be made or from whom delivery should be taken by such customer of the debtor without intervention of the trustee and without including such physical commodity or the payment for such physical commodity in any bankruptcy distribution: Provided, however, That a customer shall not be relieved of his obligation to make or take delivery for the sole reason that delivery must be made or taken from a commodity broker which is a debtor; and
Recognize that the equity of a customer of the debtor in a commodity contract upon which delivery is made or taken must be included in the net equity claim of that customer and, as such, can only be distributed pro rata at the time of, and as part of, any distributions to customers made by the trustee.
Delivery made or taken within the debtor's estate. (1) Any property in a delivery account which is part of the debtor's estate on the date of the order for relief may be returned under the terms set forth in § 190.08(d)(1)(ii).
If the property to be delivered is part of the debtor's estate on the date of the order for relief and a customer of the debtor is required to make delivery, the trustee must make delivery in the same manner as if no bankruptcy had occurred and the party by whom delivery is taken must pay the full notice price or strike price for delivery.
If delivery is to be made or taken on behalf of a house account the trustee must either make or take delivery, as the case may be, on behalf of the debtor's estate: Provided, That if the trustee, at any time, takes delivery of a physical commodity, the trustee must convert that physical commodity to cash as promptly as possible.