Persons entrusted with classified information shall be responsible for providing protection and accountability for such information at all times and for locking classified information in approved security equipment whenever it is not in use or under direct supervision of authorized persons.
General safeguards. (1) Classified material must not be left in unoccupied rooms or be left inadequately protected in an occupied office, or one occupied by other than security cleared employees. Under no circumstances shall classified material be placed in desk drawers or anywhere other than in approved storage containers.
Employees using classified material shall take every precaution to prevent deliberate or casual inspection of it by unauthorized persons. Classified material shall be kept under constant surveillance and face down or covered when not in use.
All copies of classified documents and any informal material such as memoranda, rough drafts, shorthand notes, carbon copies, carbon paper, typewriter ribbons, recording discs, spools and tapes shall be given the same classification and secure handling as the classified information they contain.
Commission personnel authorized to use classified materials will obtain them from the Executive Director or his delegee on the day required and return them to the Executive Director or his delegee before the close of business on the same day.
Classified information shall not be revealed in telephone or telecommunications conversations.
Any person who has knowledge of the loss or possible compromise of classified information shall immediately report the circumstances either to the Security Officer or to the Executive Director or his delegee. The Executive Director or his delegee shall initiate a preliminary inquiry to determine the circumstances surrounding an actual or possible compromise, and to determine what corrective measures and administrative, disciplinary, or legal action is necessary.
Reproduction controls. (1) The number of copies of documents containing classified information must be kept to the minimum required by operational necessity to decrease the risk of compromise and reduce storage costs.
Top Secret documents, except for the controlled initial distribution of information processed or received electrically, shall not be reproduced without the consent of the originator.
Unless restricted by the originating agency, Secret and Confidential documents may be reproduced to the extent required by operational needs.
Reproduced copies of classified documents shall be subject to the same accountability and controls as the original documents.
Classified reproduction shall be controlled by persons with the proper level of security clearance.
Records shall be maintained to show the number and distribution of reproduced copies to all Top Secret documents, of all classified documents covered by special access programs distributed outside the originating agency, and of all Secret and Confidential documents which are marked with special dissemination and reproduction limitations.
Unauthorized reproduction of classified material will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Storage of classified material. (1) All classified material in the custody of the Commission will be stored in accordance with the guidelines set forth in 32 CFR 2001.43.
In addition, the Commission remains subject to the provisions of 32 CFR part 2001, et seq., insofar as they are applicable to classified materials held by the Commission.