Layout. All energy labels for refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, freezers, dishwashers, clothes washers, water heaters, pool heaters, and room air conditioners shall use one size, similar colors, and typefaces with consistent positioning of headline, copy, and charts to maintain uniformity for immediate consumer recognition and readability. Trim size dimensions for all labels shall be as follows: width must be between 51/4 inches and 51/2 inches (13.34 cm. and 13.97 cm.); length must be between 73/8 inches (18.73 cm.) and 75/8 (19.37 cm.). Copy is to be set between 27 picas and 29 picas and copy page should be centered (right to left and top to bottom). Depth is variable but should follow closely the prototype labels appearing at the end of this part illustrating the basis layout. All positioning, spacing, type sizes, and line widths should be similar to and consistent with the prototype and sample labels in appendix L to this part.
Type style and setting. The Arial series typeface or equivalent shall be used exclusively on the label. Specific sizes and faces to be used are indicated on the prototype labels. No hyphenation should be used in setting headline or copy text. Positioning and spacing should follow the prototypes closely. Generally, text must be set flush left with two points leading except where otherwise indicated. See the prototype labels for specific directions.
Colors. The basic colors of all labels covered by this section shall be process yellow or equivalent and process black. The label shall be printed full bleed process yellow. All type and graphics shall be print process black.
Label types. Except as indicated in paragraph (d)(3) of this section, the labels must be affixed to the product in the form of an adhesive label or a hang tag as follows:
Adhesive labels. All adhesive labels should be applied so they can be easily removed without the use of tools or liquids, other than water, but should be applied with an adhesive with an adhesion capacity sufficient to prevent their dislodgment during normal handling throughout the chain of distribution to the retailer or consumer. The paper stock for pressure-sensitive or other adhesive labels shall have a basic weight of not less than 58 pounds per 500 sheets (25″ x 38″) or equivalent, exclusive of the release liner and adhesive. A minimum peel adhesion capacity for the adhesive of 12 ounces per square inch is suggested, but not required if the adhesive can otherwise meet the above standard. In lieu of a label with adhesive backing, manufacturers may adhere the label with adhesive tape, provided the tape is affixed along the entire top and bottom of the label.
Hang tags. Labels may be affixed to the product in the form of a hang tag using cable ties or double strings connected through reinforced punch holes, or with attachment and label material of equivalent or greater strength and durability. If paper stock is used for hang tags, it shall have a basic weight of not less than 110 pounds per 500 sheets (251/2″ x 301/2″ index). When materials are used to attach the hang tags to appliance products, the materials shall be of sufficient strength to insure that if gradual pressure is applied to the hang tag by pulling it away from where it is affixed to the product, the hang tag will tear before the material used to affix the hang tag to the product breaks.
Package labels for certain products. Labels for electric instantaneous water heaters shall be printed on or affixed to the product's packaging in a conspicuous location. Labels for room air conditioners produced on or after October 1, 2019 shall be printed on or affixed to the principal display panel of the product's packaging.
Placement—(1) Adhesive labels. Manufacturers shall affix adhesive labels to the covered products in such a position that it is easily read by a consumer examining the product. The label should be generally located on the upper-right-front corner of the product's front exterior. However, some other prominent location may be used as long as the label will not become dislodged during normal handling throughout the chain of distribution to the retailer or consumer. The top of the label should not exceed 74 inches from the base of taller products. The label can be displayed in the form of a flap tag adhered to the top of the appliance and bent (folded at 90°) to hang over the front, as long as this can be done with assurance that it will be readily visible.
Hang tags. A hang tag shall be affixed to the interior of the product in such a position that it can be easily read by a consumer examining the product. A hang tag can be affixed in any position that meets this requirement as long as the label will not become dislodged during normal handling throughout the chain of distribution to the retailer or consumer.
Label content. (1) Headlines and texts, as illustrated in the prototype and sample labels in appendix L to this part, are standard for all labels.
Name of manufacturer or private labeler shall, in the case of a corporation, be deemed to be satisfied only by the actual corporate name, which may be preceded or followed by the name of the particular division of the corporation. In the case of an individual, partnership, or association, the name under which the business is conducted shall be used. Inclusion of the name of the manufacturer or private labeler is optional at the discretion of the manufacturer or private labeler.
Model number(s) will be the designation given by the manufacturer or private labeler.
Capacity or size is that determined in accordance with § 305.7. For refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, and freezers, the capacity provided on the label shall be the model's total refrigerated volume (VT) as determined in accordance with § 305.7 and the model description must be consistent with the categories described in Appendices A and B to this part. Capacity for storage water heaters shall be presented in both rated storage volume (“tank size (storage capacity)”) and first hour rating as indicated on the sample label in appendix L to this part.
Unless otherwise indicated in this paragraph, estimated annual operating costs for refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, freezers, clothes washers, dishwashers, room air conditioners, and water heaters are as determined in accordance with §§ 305.5 and 305.10. Thermal efficiencies for pool heaters are as determined in accordance with § 305.5. Labels for clothes washers and dishwashers must disclose estimated annual operating cost for both electricity and natural gas as illustrated in the sample labels in appendix L to this part. Labels for dual-mode refrigerator-freezers that can operate as either a refrigerator or a freezer must reflect the estimated energy cost of the model's most energy intensive configuration.
Unless otherwise indicated in this paragraph, ranges of comparability for estimated annual operating costs or thermal efficiencies, as applicable, are found in the appropriate appendices accompanying this part.
Placement of the labeled product on the scale shall be proportionate to the lowest and highest estimated annual operating costs or thermal efficiencies, as applicable.
Labels for refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, freezers, dishwashers, clothes washers, and water heaters must contain the model's estimated annual energy consumption as determined in accordance with § 305.5 and as indicated on the sample labels in appendix L. Labels for room air conditioners, and pool heaters must contain the model's energy efficiency rating or thermal efficiency, as applicable, as determined in accordance with § 305.5 and as indicated on the sample labels in appendix L to this part.
Labels must contain a statement as illustrated in the prototype labels in appendix L and specified as follows by product type:
Labels for refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers must contain a statement as illustrated in the prototype labels in appendix L and specified as follows (fill in the blanks with the appropriate energy cost figure):
Your cost will depend on your utility rates and use.
Both cost ranges based on models of similar size capacity.
[Insert statement required by § 305.11(f)(9)(iii)].
Estimated energy cost based on a national average electricity cost of __ cents per kWh.
For refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, and freezers and clothes washers the label shall contain the text and graphics illustrated in sample labels 1 and 2 of appendix L, including the statement:
Compare ONLY to other labels with yellow numbers.
Labels with yellow numbers are based on the same test procedures.
For refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers, the following sentence shall be included as part of the statement required by paragraph (f)(9)(i) of this section:
For models covered under appendix A1, the sentence shall read:
Models with similar features have automatic defrost and no freezer.
For models covered under appendix A2, the sentence shall read:
Models with similar features have manual defrost.
For models covered under appendix A3, the sentence shall read:
Models with similar features have partial automatic defrost.
For models covered under appendix A4, the sentence shall read:
Models with similar features have automatic defrost, top-mounted freezer, and no through-the-door ice.
For models covered under appendix A5, the sentence shall read:
Models with similar features have automatic defrost, side-mounted freezer, and no through-the-door ice.
For models covered under appendix A6, the sentence shall read:
Models with similar features have automatic defrost, bottom-mounted freezer, and no through-the-door ice.
For models covered under appendix A7, the sentence shall read:
Models with similar features have automatic defrost, bottom-mounted freezer and through-the-door ice.
For models covered under appendix A8, the sentence shall read:
Models with similar features have automatic defrost, side-mounted freezer, and through-the-door ice.
Labels for freezers must contain a statement as illustrated in the prototype labels in appendix L and specified as follows (fill in the blanks with the appropriate energy cost figure):
Your cost will depend on your utility rates and use.
[Insert statement required by § 305.11(f)(10)(v)].
Estimated energy cost based on a national average electricity cost of __ cents per kWh.
For freezers, the following sentence shall be included as part of the statement required by paragraph (f)(9)(iv) of this section:
For models covered under appendix B1, the sentence shall read:
Cost range based only on upright freezer models of similar capacity with manual defrost.
For models covered under appendix B2, the sentence shall read:
Cost range based only on upright freezer models of similar capacity with automatic defrost.
For models covered under appendix B3, the sentence shall read:
Cost range based only on chest and other freezer models of similar capacity.
For room air conditioners covered under appendix E, the statement will read as follows (fill in the blanks with the appropriate model type, year, energy type, and energy cost figure):
Your costs will depend on your utility rates and use.
Cost range based only on models [of similar capacity without reverse cycle and with louvered sides; of similar capacity without reverse cycle and without louvered sides; with reverse cycle and with louvered sides; or with reverse cycle and without louvered sides].
Estimated annual energy cost is based on a national average electricity cost of __cents per kWh and a seasonal use of 8 hours use per day over a 3 month period.
For more information, visit
For water heaters covered by appendices D1, D2, and D3, the statement will read as follows (fill in the blanks with the appropriate fuel type, and energy cost figures):
Your costs will depend on your utility rates and use.
Cost range based only on models fueled by [natural gas, oil, propane, or electricity] with a [very small, low, medium, or high] first hour rating [fewer than 18 gallons, 18-50.9 gallons, 51-74.9 gallons, or greater than 75 gallons].
Estimated energy cost is based on a national average [electricity, natural gas, propane, or oil] cost of [__ cents per kWh or $__ per therm or gallon].
Estimated yearly energy use: __ [kWh or therms].
For instantaneous water heaters (appendices D4 and D5), the statement will read as follows (fill in the blanks with the appropriate model type, and the energy cost figures):
Your costs will depend on your utility rates and use.
Cost range based only on [electric models or models fueled by natural gas] with a [very small, low, medium, or high] gallons per minute rating [0 to 1.6, 1.7 to 2.7, 2.8 to 4.0, or greater than 4.0].
Estimated energy cost is based on a national average [electricity, natural gas, or propane] cost of [ __ cents per kWh or $__ per therm or gallon].
Estimated yearly energy use: __ [kWh or therms].
For dishwashers covered by appendices C1 and C2, the statement will read as follows (fill in the brackets with the appropriate capacity and the energy cost figures):
Your costs will depend on your utility rates and use.
Cost range based only on [compact/standard] capacity models.
Estimated energy cost is based on four washloads a week, and a national average electricity cost of [__] cents per kWh and natural gas cost of $[__] per therm.
For more information, visit
For clothes washers covered by appendices F1 and F2 of this part, the statement will read as follows (fill in the blanks with the appropriate capacity and energy cost figures):
Your costs will depend on your utility rates and use.
Cost range based only on [compact/standard] capacity models.
Estimated energy cost is based on six wash loads a week and a national average electricity cost of __ cents per kWh and natural gas cost of $ __ per therm.
For pool heaters covered under appendices J1 and J2, the statement will read as follows:
Efficiency range based only on models fueled by [natural gas or oil].
For more information, visit
The following statement shall appear on each label as illustrated in the prototype and sample labels in appendix L of this part:
Federal law prohibits removal of this label before consumer purchase.
No marks or information other than that specified in this part shall appear on or directly adjoining this label except that:
A part or publication number identification may be included on this label, as desired by the manufacturer. If a manufacturer elects to use a part or publication number, it must appear in the lower right-hand corner of the label and be set in 6-point type or smaller.
The energy use disclosure labels required by the governments of Canada or Mexico may appear directly adjoining this label, as desired by the manufacturer.
The manufacturer or private labeler may include the ENERGY STAR logo on the bottom right corner of the label for certified products. The logo must be 1 inch by 1 inch in size. Only manufacturers that have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Energy or the Environmental Protection Agency may add the ENERGY STAR logo to labels on certified covered products; such manufacturers may add the ENERGY STAR logo to labels only on those covered products that are contemplated by the Memorandum of Understanding.