For rotorcraft other than helicopters—
The steady rate of climb, at V Y, must be determined—
With maximum continuous power on each engine;
With the landing gear retracted; and
For the weights, altitudes, and temperatures for which certification is requested; and
The climb gradient, at the rate of climb determined in accordance with paragraph (a)(1) of this section, must be either—
At least 1:10 if the horizontal distance required to take off and climb over a 50-foot obstacle is determined for each weight, altitude, and temperature within the range for which certification is requested; or
At least 1:6 under standard sea level conditions.
Each helicopter must meet the following requirements:
VY must be determined—
For standard sea level conditions;
At maximum weight; and
With maximum continuous power on each engine.
The steady rate of climb must be determined—
At the climb speed selected by the applicant at or below VNE;
Within the range from sea level up to the maximum altitude for which certification is requested;
For the weights and temperatures that correspond to the altitude range set forth in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section and for which certification is requested; and
With maximum continuous power on each engine.