This section and its appendix pertain to the form and content of financial statements included as part of:
A conversion application under 12 CFR part 192 including financial statements in proxy statements and offering circulars,
A filing under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C. 78a et seq., and
Any offering circular required to be used in connection with the issuance of mutual capital certificates under 12 CFR 163.74 and debt securities under § 390.341.
This appendix specifies the various line items which should appear on the face of the financial statements governed by § 390.384 and additional disclosures which should be included with the financial statements in related notes.
Balance sheets shall comply with the following provisions:
1. Cash and amounts due from depository institutions. (a) The amounts in this caption should include noninterest-bearing deposits with depository institutions.
State in a note the amount and terms of any deposits in depository institutions held as compensating balances against long- or short-term borrowing arrangements. This disclosure should include the provisions of any restrictions as to withdrawal or usage. Restrictions may include legally restricted deposits held as compensating balances against short-term borrowing arrangements, contracts entered into with others, or company statements of intention with regard to particular deposits; however, time deposits and short-term certificates of deposits are not generally included in legally restricted deposits. In cases where compensating balance arrangements exist but are not agreements which legally restrict the use of cash amounts shown on the balance sheet, describe in the notes to the financial statements these arrangements and the amount involved, if determinable, for the most recent audited balance sheet required and for any subsequent unaudited balance sheet required. Compensating balances that are maintained under an agreement to ensure future credit availability shall be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements along with the amount and terms of the agreement.
Checks outstanding in excess of an applicant's book balance in a demand deposit account shall be shown as a liability.
2. Interest-bearing deposits in other banks.
3. Federal funds sold and securities purchased under resale agreements or similar arrangements. These amounts should be presented, i.e., gross and not netted against Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreement to repurchase, as reported in caption 15.
4. Trading account assets. Include securities considered to be held for trading purposes.
5. Other short-term investments.
6. Investment securities. (a) Include securities considered to be held for investment purposes. Disclose the aggregate book value of investment securities as the line item on the balance sheet; and also show on the face of the balance sheet the aggregate market value at the balance sheet date. The aggregate amounts should include securities pledged, loaned, or sold under repurchase agreements and similar arrangements. Borrowed securities and securities purchased under resale agreements or similar arrangements should be excluded.
Disclose in a note the carrying value and market value of securities of (i) the U.S. Treasury and other U.S. Government agencies and corporations; (ii) states of the U.S. and political subdivisions thereof; and (iii) other securities.
7. Assets held for sale. Investments in assets considered to be held for sale purposes should be reported separately in the statement of financial condition.
8. Loans. (a) Disclose separately: (i) Total loans (including financing type leases), (ii) allowance for loan losses, (iii) unearned income on installment loans, (iv) discount on loans purchased, and (v) loans in process.
State on the balance sheet or in a note the amount of loans in each of the following categories: (i) Real estate mortgage; (ii) real estate construction; (iii) installment; and (iv) commercial, financial, and agricultural.
Include under the real estate mortgage category loans payable in monthly, quarterly, or other periodic installments and secured by developed income property and/or personal residences.
Include under the real estate construction category loans secured by real estate which are made for the purpose of financing construction of real estate and land development projects.
Include under the installment category loans to individuals generally repayable in monthly installments. This category shall include, but not be limited to, credit card and related activities, individual automobile loans, other installment loans, mobile home loans, and residential repair and modernization loans.
Include under the commercial, financial, and agricultural category all loans not included in another category. This category shall include, but not be limited to, loans to real estate investment trusts, mortgage companies, banks, and other financial institutions; loans for carrying securities; and loans for agricultural purposes. Do not include loans secured primarily by developed real estate.
State separately any other loan category regardless of relative size if necessary to reflect any unusual risk concentration.
Unearned income on installment loans shall be shown and deducted separately from total loans.
Unamortized discounts on purchased loans shall be deducted separately from total loans.
Loans in process shall be deducted separately from total loans.
A series of categories other than those specified in item (b) of paragraph 8. may be used to present details of loans if considered a more appropriate presentation. The categories specified in item (b) of paragraph 8. should be considered the minimum categories that may be presented.
For each period for which an income statement is presented, disclose in a note the total dollar amount of loans being serviced by the State savings association for the benefit of others.
As of each balance sheet date, disclose in a note the aggregate dollar amount of loans (exclusive of loans to any such persons which in the aggregate do not exceed $60,000 during the last year) made by the State savings association or any of its subsidiaries to directors, executive officers, or principal holders of equity securities (17 CFR 210.1-02) of the State savings association or any of its significant subsidiaries (17 CFR 210.1-02) or to any associate of such persons. For the latest fiscal year, an analysis of activity with respect to such aggregate loans to related parties should be provided. The analysis should include at the beginning of the period new loans, repayments, and other changes. (Other changes, if significant, should be explained.)
This disclosure need not be furnished when the aggregate amount of such loans at the balance sheet date (or with respect to the latest fiscal year, the maximum amount outstanding during the period) does not exceed 5 percent of stockholders' equity at the balance sheet date.
If a significant portion of the aggregate amount of loans outstanding at the end of the fiscal year disclosed pursuant to item (i)(A) of this paragraph (j) relates to nonaccrual, past due, restructured, and potential problem loans (see Securities and Exchange Commission's Securities Act Industry Guide 3, section III.C.), so state and disclose the aggregate amount of such loans along with such other information necessary to an understanding of the effects of the transactions on the financial statements.
Notwithstanding the aggregate disclosure called for by paragraph (j)(i) of this balance sheet caption 8, if any loans were not made in the ordinary course of business during any period for which an income statement is required to be filed, provide an appropriate description of each such loan (see 17 CFR 210.9-03.7(e)(3)).
For purposes only of Balance Sheet item 8(j), the following definitions shall apply:
Associate used to indicate a relationship with any person means (1) any corporation, venture, or organization of which such person is a general partner or is, directly or indirectly, the beneficial owner of 10 percent or more of any class of equity securities; (2) any trust or other estate in which such person has a substantial beneficial interest or for which such person serves as trustee or in a similar capacity; and (3) any member of the immediate family of any of the foregoing persons.
Executive officer means the president, any vice president in charge of a principal business unit, division, or function (such as loans, investments, operations, administration, or finance), and any other officer or person who performs similar policy-making functions.
Immediate family with regard to a person means such person's spouse, parents, children, siblings, mother- and father-in-law, sons- and daughters-in-law, and brothers- and sisters-in-law.
Ordinary course of business with regard to loans means those loans which were made on substantially the same terms, including interest rate and collateral, as those prevailing at the same time for comparable transactions with unrelated persons and did not involve more than the normal risk of collectibility or present other unfavorable features.
For each period for which an income statement is presented, furnish in a note a statement of changes in the allowance for loan losses, showing balances at beginning and end of the period, provision charged to income, recoveries of amounts previously charged off, and losses charged to the allowance.
9. Premises and equipment.
10. Real estate owned. State, parenthetically or otherwise:
The amount of real estate owned by class as described in item (b) of paragraph 10. and the basis for determining that amount; and
A description of each class of real estate owned (i) acquired by foreclosure or by deed in lieu of foreclosure, (ii) in judgment and subject to redemption, or (iii) acquired for development or resale. Show separately any accumulated depreciation or valuation allowances. Disclose the policies regarding, and amounts of, capitalized costs, including interest.
11. Investment in joint ventures. In a note, present summarized aggregate financial statements for investments in real estate or other joint ventures which individually (a) are 20 percent or more owned by the State savings association or any of its subsidiaries, or (b) have liabilities (including contingent liabilities) to the parent exceeding 10 percent of the parent's regulatory capital. If an allowance for real estate losses subsequent to acquisition is maintained, the amount shall be disclosed, deducted from the other real estate owned, and a statement of changes in the allowance showing balances at beginning and end of period should be included. Provision charged to income and losses charged to the allowance account shall be furnished for each period for which an income statement is filed.
12. Other assets. (a) Disclose separately on the balance sheet or in a note thereto any of the following assets or any other asset the amount of which exceeds 30 percent of stockholders' equity. The remaining assets may be shown as one amount.
Accrued interest receivable. State separately those amounts relating to loans and those amounts relating to investments.
Excess of cost over assets acquired (net of amortization).
State in a note (i) amounts representing investments in affiliates and investments in other persons which are accounted for by the equity method, and (ii) indebtedness of affiliates and other persons, the investments in which are accounted for by the equity method. State the basis of determining the amounts reported under paragraph (b)(i).
13. Total assets.
14. Deposits. (a) Disclose separately on the balance sheet or in a note the amounts in the following categories of interest-bearing and noninterest-bearing deposits: (i) NOW account and MMDA deposits, (ii) savings deposits, and (iii) time deposits.
Include under the savings-deposits category interest-bearing deposits without specified maturity or contractual provisions requiring advance notice of intention to withdraw funds. Include deposits for which a State savings association may require at its option written notice of intended withdrawal not less than 14 days in advance.
Include under the time-deposits category deposits subject to provisions specifying maturity or other withdrawal conditions such as time certificates of deposits, open account time deposits, and deposits accumulated for the payment of personal loans.
Include accrued interest or dividends, if appropriate.
15. Short-term borrowings. (a) State separately, here or in a note, the amounts payable for (i) Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase, (ii) commercial paper, and (iii) other short-term borrowings.
Federal funds purchased and sales of securities under repurchase agreements shall be reported gross and not netted against sales of Federal funds and purchase of securities under resale agreements.
Include as securities sold under agreements to repurchase all transactions of this type regardless of (i) whether they are called simultaneous purchases and sales, buy-backs, turnarounds, overnight transactions, delayed deliveries, or other terms signifying the same substantive transaction, and (ii) whether the transactions are with the same or different institutions, if the purpose of the transactions is to repurchase identical or similar securities.
The amount and terms (including commitment fees and the conditions under which lines may be withdrawn) of unused lines of credit for short-term financing shall be disclosed, if significant, in the notes to the financial statements. The amount of these lines of credit which support a commercial paper borrowing arrangement or similar arrangements shall be separately identified.
16. Advance payments by borrowers for taxes and insurance.
17. Other liabilities. Disclose separately on the balance sheet or in a note any of the following liabilities or any other items which are individually in excess of 30 percent of stockholders' equity (except that amounts in excess of 5 percent of stockholders' equity should be disclosed with respect to item (d)). The remaining items may be shown as one amount.
Income taxes payable.
Deferred income taxes.
Indebtedness to affiliate and other persons the investment in which is accounted for by the equity method.
Indebtedness to directors, executive officers, and principal holders of equity securities of the registrant or any of its significant subsidiaries. (The guidance in balance sheet caption “8(j)” shall be used to identify related parties for purposes of this disclosure.)
18. Bonds, mortgages, and similar debt. (a) Include bonds, Federal Home Loan Bank advances, capital notes, debentures, mortgages, and similar debt.
For each issue or type of obligation state in a note:
The general character of each type of debt, including: (A) The rate of interest, (B) the date of maturity, or, if maturing serially, a brief indication of the serial maturities, such as “maturing serially from 1980 to 1990,” (C) if the payment of principal or interest is contingent, an appropriate indication of such contingency, (D) a brief indication of priority, and (E) if convertible, the basis. For amounts owed to related parties see 17 CFR 210.4-08(k).
The amount and terms (including commitment fees and the conditions under which commitments may be withdrawn) of unused commitments for long-term financing arrangements that, if used, would be disclosed under this caption shall be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements, if significant.
State in the notes with appropriate explanations (i) the title and amount of each issue of debt of a subsidiary included in item (a) of paragraph 18 which has not been assumed or guaranteed by the State savings association, and (ii) any liens on premises of a subsidiary or its consolidated subsidiaries which have not been assumed by the subsidiary or its consolidated subsidiaries.
19. Deferred credits. State separately those items which exceed 30 percent of stockholders' equity.
20. Commitments and contingent liabilities. Total commitments to fund loans should be disclosed. The dollar amounts and terms of other than floating market-rate commitments should also be disclosed.
21. Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries.
22. Preferred stock subject to mandatory redemption requirements or the redemption of which is outside the control of the issuer. (a) Include under this caption amounts applicable to any class of stock which has any of the following characteristics: (i) It is redeemable at a fixed or determinable price on a fixed or determinable date or dates, whether by operation of a sinking fund or otherwise; (ii) it is redeemable at the option of the holder; or (iii) it has conditions for redemption which are not solely within the control of the issuer, such as stock which must be redeemed out of future earnings. Amounts attributable to preferred stock which is not redeemable or is redeemable solely at the option of the issuer shall be included under caption 23 unless it meets one or more of the above criteria.
State on the face of the balance sheet the title, carrying amount, and redemption amount of each issue. (If there is more than one issue, these amounts may be aggregated on the face of the balance sheet and details concerning each issue may be presented in the note required by item (c) of paragraph 22.) Show also the dollar amount of any shares subscribed for but unissued, and show the deduction of subscriptions receivable therefrom. If the carrying value is different from the redemption amount, describe the accounting treatment for such difference in the note required by item (c) of paragraph 22. Also state in this note or on the face of the balance sheet, for each issue, the number of shares authorized and the number of shares issued or outstanding, as appropriate. (See 17 CFR 210.4-07.)
State in a separate note captioned “Redeemable Preferred Stock” (i) a general description of each issue, including its redemption features (e.g., sinking fund, at option of holders, out of future earnings) and the rights, if any, of holders in the event of default, including the effect, if any, on junior securities in the event a required dividend, sinking fund, or other redemption payment(s) is not made, (ii) the combined aggregate amount of redemption requirements for all issues each year for the five years following the date of the latest balance sheet, and (iii) the changes in each issue for each period for which an income statement is required to be presented. (See also 17 CFR 210.4-08(d).)
Securities reported under this caption are not to be included under a general heading “stockholders' equity” or combined in a total with items described in captions 23, 24 or 25, which follow.
23. Preferred stock which is not redeemable or is redeemed solely at the option of the issuer. State on the face of the balance sheet, or, if more than one issue is outstanding, state in a note, the title of each issue and the dollar amount thereof. Show also the dollar amount of any shares subscribed for but unissued, and show the deduction of subscriptions receivable. State on the face of the balance sheet or in a note, for each issue, the number of shares authorized and the number of shares issued or outstanding, as appropriate. (See 17 CFR 210.4-07.) Show in a note or separate statement the changes in each class of preferred shares reported under this caption for each period for which an income statement is required to be presented. (See also 17 CFR 210.4-08(d).)
24. Common stock. For each class of common shares state, on the face of the balance sheet, the number of shares issued or outstanding, as appropriate (see 17 CFR 210.4-07), and the dollar amount thereof. If convertible, this fact should be indicated on the face of the balance sheet. For each class of common stock state, on the face of the balance sheet or in a note, the title of the issue, the number of shares authorized, and, if convertible, the basis for conversion (see also 17 CFR 210.4-08(d).) Show also the dollar amount of any common stock subscribed for but unissued, and show the deduction of subscriptions receivable. Show in a note or statement the changes in each class of common stock for each period for which an income statement is required to be presented.
25. Other stockholders' equity. (a) Separate captions shall be shown on the face of the balance sheet for (i) additional paid-in capital, (ii) other additional capital, and (iii) retained earnings, both (A) restricted and (B) unrestricted. (See 17 CFR 210.4-08(e).) Additional paid-in capital and other additional capital may be combined with the stock caption to which it applies, if appropriate. State whether or not the State savings association is in compliance with the Federal regulatory capital requirements (and state requirements where applicable). Also include the dollar amount of those regulatory capital requirements and the amount by which the State savings association exceeds or fails to meet those requirements.
For a period of at least 10 years subsequent to the effective date of a quasi-reorganization, any description of retained earnings shall indicate the point in time from which the new retained earnings dates, and for a period of at least three years shall indicate, on the face of the balance sheet, the total amount of the deficit eliminated.
Changes in stockholders' equity shall be disclosed in accordance with the requirements of 17 CFR 210.3-04.
26. Total liabilities and stockholders' equity.
Income statements shall comply with the following provisions:
1. Interest and fees on loans. (a) Include interest, service charges, and fees which are related to or are an adjustment of the loan interest yield.
Current amortization of premiums on mortgages or other loans shall be deducted from interest on loans, and current accretion of discount on such items shall be added to interest on loans.
Discounts and other deferred amounts which are related to or are an adjustment of the loan interest yield shall be amortized into income using the interest (level yield) method.
2. Interest and dividends on investment securities. Include accretion of discount on securities and deduct amortization of premiums on securities.
3. Trading account interest. Include interest from securities carried in a dealer trading account or accounts that are held principally for resale to customers.
4. Other interest income. Include interest on short-term investments (Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell) and interest on bank deposits.
5. Total interest income.
6. Interest on deposits. Include interest on all deposits. On the income statement or in a note, state separately, in the same categories as those specified for deposits at balance sheet caption 14(a), the interest on those deposits. Early withdrawal penalties should be netted against interest on deposits and, if material, disclosed on the income statement.
7. Interest on short-term borrowings. Include interest on borrowed funds, including Federal funds purchased, securities sold under agreements to repurchase, commercial paper, and other short-term borrowings.
8. Interest on long-term borrowings. Include interest on bonds, capital notes, debentures, mortgages on State savings association premises, capitalized leases, and similar debt.
9. Total interest expense.
10. Net interest income.
11. Provision for loan losses.
12. Net interest income after provision for loan losses.
13. Other income. Disclose separately any of the following amounts, or any other item of other income, which exceeds 1 percent of the aggregate of total interest income and other income. The remaining amount may be shown as one amount, except for investment securities gains or losses which shall be shown separately regardless of size.
Commissions and fees from fiduciary activities.
Fees for other services to customers.
Commissions, fees, and markups on securities underwriting and other securities activities.
Profit or loss on transactions in investment securities.
Equity in earnings of unconsolidated subsidiaries and 50-percent- or less-owned persons.
Gains or losses on disposition of investments in securities of subsidiaries and 50-percent- or less-owned persons.
Profit or loss from real estate operations.
Other fees related to loan originations or commitments not included in income statement caption 1.
The remaining other income may be shown in one amount.
Investment securities gains or losses. The method followed in determining the cost of investments sold (e.g., “average cost,” “first-in, first-out,” or “identified certificate”) and related income taxes shall be disclosed.
14. Other expenses. Disclose separately any of the following amounts, or any other item of other expense, which exceeds 1 percent of the aggregate of total interest income and other income. The remaining amounts may be shown as one amount.
Salaries and employee benefits.
Net occupancy expense of premises.
Net cost of operations of other real estate (including provisions for real estate losses, rental income, and gains and losses on sales of real estate).
Minority interest in income of consolidated subsidiaries.
Goodwill amortization.
15. Other income and expenses. State separately material events or transactions that are unusual in nature or occur infrequently, but not both, and therefore do not meet both criteria for classification as an extraordinary item. Examples of items which would be reported separately are gain or loss from the sale of premises and equipment, provision for loss on real estate owned, or provision for gain or loss on the sale of loans.
16. Income or losses before income tax expense.
17. Income tax expense. The information required by 17 CFR 210.4-08(h) should be disclosed.
18. Income or loss before extraordinary items effects of changes in accounting principles.
19. Extraordinary items, less applicable tax.
20. Cumulative effects of changes in accounting principles.
21. Net income or loss.
22. Earnings-per-share data.
23. Conversion footnote. If the State savings association is an applicant for conversion from a mutual to a stock association or has converted within the last three years, describe in a note the general terms of the conversion and restrictions on the operations of the State savings association imposed by the conversion. Also, state the amount of net proceeds received from the conversion and costs associated with the conversion.
24. Mergers and acquisitions. For the period in which a business combination occurs and is accounted for by the purchase method of accounting, in addition to those disclosures required by Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 16, the State savings association shall make those disclosures as noted below for all combinations involving significant acquisitions. (A significant acquisition is defined for this purpose to be one in which the assets of the acquired State savings association, or group of State savings associations, exceed 10 percent of the assets of the consolidated State savings association at the end of the most recent period being reported upon).
Amounts and descriptions of discounts and premiums related to recording the aggregate interest-bearing assets and liabilities at their fair market value. The disclosure should also include the methods of amortization or accretion and the estimated remaining lives.
The net effect on net income before taxes of the amortization and accretion of discounts, premiums, and intangible assets related to the purchase accounting transaction(s). For subsequent periods, the State savings association shall disclose the remaining total unamortized or unaccreted amounts of discounts, premiums, and intangible assets as of the date of the most recent balance sheet presented. In addition, the State savings association shall disclose the net effect on net income before taxes of the amortization and accretion of discounts, premiums, and intangible assets related to prior business combinations accounted for by the purchase method of accounting. Such disclosures need not be made if the total amounts of discounts, premiums, or intangible assets do not exceed 30 percent of stockholders' equity as of the date of the most recent balance sheet presented.
The amounts shown in this statement should be those items which materially enhance the reader's understanding of the State savings association's business. For example, gains from sales of loans should be segregated from sales of mortgage-backed securities and other securities, if material, proceeds from principal repayments and maturities from loans and mortgage-backed securities should be segregated from proceeds from sales of loans and mortgage-backed securities, purchases of loans, mortgage-backed securities and other securities should be segregated, if material. Additional guidance may be found in the FASB's Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 95 Statement of Cash Flows.
The following schedules, which should be examined by an independent accountant, shall be filed unless the required information is not applicable or is presented in the related financial statements:
Schedule I—Indebtedness of and to related parties—Not Current. For each period for which an income statement is required, the following schedule should be filed in support of the amounts required to be reported by balance sheet items 8(j) and 17(c) unless such aggregate amount does not exceed 5 percent of stockholders' equity at either the beginning or the end of the period:
Schedule II—Guarantees of securities of other issuers. The following schedule should be filed as of the date of the most recently audited balance sheet with respect to any guarantees of securities of other issuers by the person for which the statements are being filed:
Schedule III—Condensed financial information. The following schedule shall be filed as of the dates and for the periods specified in the schedule.
[Parent only]
[The State savings association may determine disclosure based on information provided in footnotes below]
Provide condensed financial information as to financial position, changes in financial position, and results of operations of the State savings association as of the same dates and for the same periods for which audited consolidated financial statements are required. The financial information required need not be presented in greater detail than is required for condensed statement by 17 CFR 210.10-01(a) (2), (3), (4). Detailed footnote disclosure which would normally be included with complete financial statements may be omitted with the exception of disclosure regarding material contingencies, long-term obligations, and guarantees. Description of significant provisions of the state savings association's long-term obligations, mandatory dividend, or redemption requirements of redeemable stocks, and guarantees of the State savings association shall be provided along with a 5-year schedule of maturities of debt. If the material contingencies, long-term obligations, redeemable stock requirements, and guarantees of the State savings association have been separately disclosed in the consolidated statements, they need not be repeated in this schedule.
Disclose separately the amount of cash dividends paid to the State savings association for each of the last three fiscal years by consolidated subsidiaries, unconsolidated subsidiaries, and 50-percent- or less-owned persons accounted for by the equity method, respectively.