If you are an employee of a contractor, you may not file a complaint against your employer under this part if:
The complaint is based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, or other similar basis; or
The complaint involves misconduct that you, acting without direction from your employer, deliberately caused, or in which you knowingly participated; or
Except as provided in § 708.15(a), the complaint is based on the same facts for which you have chosen to pursue a remedy available under:
Department of Labor regulations at 29 CFR part 24, “Procedures for the Handling of Discrimination Complaints under Federal Employee Protection Statutes;”
Federal Acquisition Regulations, 48 CFR part 3, “Federal Acquisition Regulation; Whistleblower Protection for Contractor Employees (Ethics);” or
State or other applicable law, including final and binding grievance-arbitration, as described in § 708.15 of subpart B; or
The complaint is based on the same facts in which you, in the course of a covered disclosure or participation, improperly disclosed Restricted Data, national security information, or any other classified or sensitive information in violation of any Executive Order, statute, or regulation. This part does not override any provision or requirement of any regulation pertaining to Restricted Data, national security information, or any other classified or sensitive information; or
The complaint deals with “terms and conditions of employment” within the meaning of the National Labor Relations Act, except as provided in § 708.5.