The following is a list of electric regions for use with regard to the Act. The regions are identified by FERC Power Supply Areas (PSA's) as authorized by section 202(a) of the Federal Power Act except where noted. They will be reviewed annually by ERA. Each grouping meets one or more of the following criteria:
Existing centrally dispatched pools and hourly power brokers;
Systems with joint planning and construction agreements;
Systems with coordination agreements in the areas of:
Generation reserve and system reliability criteria;
Capacity and energy exchange policies;
Maintenance scheduling; and
Emergency procedures for dealing with capacity or fuel shortages; or
Systems within the same National Electric Reliability Council (NERC) region with historical coordination policies.
The PSA's referred to in the definition of electric regions in paragraph (a) of this section were first defined by the Federal Power Commission in 1936. The most recent reference to them is given in the 1970 National Power Survey, Vol. 1, Pg. 1-3-16. In cases where a petitioner finds an ambiguity in a regional assignment, he shall consult with DOE for an official determination.
Electric Region Groupings and FERC PSA's:
1. Allegheny Power System (APS)—7, except Duquesne Light Company.
2. American Electric Power System (AEP)—entire AEP System.
3. New England Planning Pool (NEPOOL)—1, 2.
4. New York Planning Pool (NYPP)—3, 4.
5. Pennsylvania—New Jersey—Maryland interconnection (PJM)—5, 6.
6. Commonwealth Edison Company—14.
7. Florida Coordination Group (FCG)—24.
8. Middle South Utilities—25.
9. Southern Company—22, 23.
10. Gulf States Group—35.
11. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)—20.
12. Virginia—Carolina Group (VACAR)—18, 21.
13. Central Area Power Coordination Group (CAPCO)—Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, Toledo Edison Company, Ohio Edison Company, Duquesne Light Company.
14. Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton Group (CCD)—Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company, Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Company, Dayton Power and Light Company.
15. Kentucky Group—19.
16. Indiana Group—Indiana Utilities except AEP.
17. Illinois—Missouri Group (ILLMO)—15, 40.
18. Michigan Electric Coordinated Systems (MECS)—11.
19. Wisconsin—Upper Michigan Group (WUMS)—13.
20. Mid-Continent Area Power Pool (MAAP)—16, 17, 26, 27, 28.
21. Missouri—Kansas Group (MOKAN)—24, 29.
22. Oklahoma Group—33, 36.
23. Texas Interconnected Systems (TIS)—37, 38.
24. Rocky Mountain Power Pool (RMPP)—31, 32.
25. Northwest Power Pool (NWPP)—30, 42, 43, 44, 45.
26. Arizona—New Mexico Group—39, 48 within Arizona. in Nevada and California.
27. Southern California—Nevada—47, 48.
28. Northern California—Nevada—46.
29. Alaska (non-interconnected systems to be considered separately)—49.
30. Idaho—Utah Group—41.