§ 455.2 - Definitions.

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Act, as used in this part, means the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, Public Law 94-163, 89 Stat. 871 (42 U.S.C. 6201, et seq.), as amended by title III of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act, Public Law 95-619, 92 Stat. 3238 (42 U.S.C. 6371), and the State Energy Efficiency Programs Improvement Act of 1990, Public Law 101-440, 104 Stat. 1011.

Assistant Secretary means the Assistant Secretary for Conservation and Renewable Energy or any official to whom the Assistant Secretary's functions may be redelegated by the Secretary.

Auditor means any person who is qualified in accordance with 10 CFR 450.44 and with State requirements pursuant to § 455.20(k), to conduct an energy audit.

Building means any structure, including a group of closely situated structural units that are centrally metered or served by a central utility plant, or an eligible portion thereof, the construction of which was completed on or before May 1, 1989, which includes a heating or cooling system, or both.

Civil rights requirements means civil rights responsibilities of applicants and grantees pursuant to the Nondiscrimination in Federally Assisted Programs regulation of the Department of Energy (10 CFR part 1040).

Complex means a closely situated group of buildings on a contiguous site such as a school or college campus or multibuilding hospital.

Construction completion means the date of issuance of an occupancy permit for a building or the date the building is ready for occupancy as determined by DOE.

Cooling degree days means the annual sum of the number of Fahrenheit degrees of each day's mean temperature above 65° for a given locality.

Coordinating agency means a State or any public or nonprofit organization legally constituted within a State which provides either administrative control or services for a group of institutions within a State and which acts on behalf of such institutions with respect to their participation in the program.

Deputy Assistant Secretary means the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Technical and Financial Assistance or any official to whom the Deputy Assistant Secretary's functions may be redelegated by the Assistant Secretary.

DOE means the Department of Energy.

Energy audit means a determination of the energy consumption characteristics of a building which:

Identifies the type, size, and rate of energy consumption of such building and the major energy-using systems of such building;

Determines appropriate energy conservation maintenance and operating procedures;

Indicates the need, if any, for the acquisition and installation of energy conservation measures; and

If paid for with financial assistance under this part, complies with 10 CFR 450.43.

Energy conservation maintenance and operating procedures means modifications in the maintenance and operations of a building and any installation therein which are designed to reduce the energy consumption in such building and which require no significant expenditure of funds, including, but not limited to:

Effective operation and maintenance of ventilation systems and control of infiltration conditions, including:

Repair of caulking or weatherstripping around windows and doors;

Reduction of outside air intake, shutting down ventilation systems in unoccupied areas, and shutting down ventilation systems when the building is not occupied; and

Assuring central or unitary ventilation controls, or both, are operating properly;

Changes in the operation and maintenance of heating or cooling systems through:

Lowering or raising indoor temperatures;

Locking thermostats;

Adjusting supply or heat transfer medium temperatures; and

Reducing or eliminating heating or cooling at night or at times when a building or complex is unoccupied;

Changes in the operation and maintenance of lighting systems through:

Reducing illumination levels;

Maximizing use of daylight;

Using higher efficiency lamps; and

Reducing or eliminating evening cleaning of buildings;

Changes in the operation and maintenance of water systems through:

Repairing leaks;

Reducing the quantity of water used, e.g., using flow restrictors;

Lowering settings for hot water temperatures; and

Raising settings for chilled water temperatures;

Changes in the maintenance and operating procedures of the building's mechanical systems through:

Cleaning equipment;

Adjusting air/fuel ratio;

Monitoring combustion;

Adjusting fan, motor, or belt drive systems;

Maintaining steam traps; and

Repairing distribution pipe insulation; and

Such other actions relating to operations and maintenance procedures as the State may determine useful or necessary. In general, energy conservation maintenance and operating procedures involve cleaning, repairing or adjusting existing equipment rather than acquiring new equipment.

Energy conservation measure means an installation or modification of an installation in a building which is primarily intended to maintain (in the case of load management systems) or reduce energy consumption and reduce energy costs, or allow the use of an alternative energy source, including, but not limited to:

Insulation of the building structure and systems within the building;

Storm windows and doors, multiglazed windows and doors, heat-absorbing or heat-reflective glazed and coated windows and door systems, additional glazing, reductions in glass area, and other window and door systems modifications;

Automatic energy control systems which would reduce energy consumption;

Load management systems which would shift demand for energy from peak hours to hours of low demand and lower cost;

Equipment required to operate variable steam, hydraulic, and ventilating systems adjusted by automatic energy control systems;

Active or passive solar space heating or cooling systems, solar electric generating systems, or any combination thereof;

Active or passive solar water heating systems;

Furnace or utility plant and distribution system modifications including:

Replacement burners, furnaces, boilers, or any combination thereof which substantially increase the energy efficiency of the heating system;

Devices for modifying flue openings which will increase the energy efficiency of the heating system;

Electrical or mechanical furnace ignition systems which replace standing gas pilot lights; and

Utility plant system conversion measures including conversion of existing oil- and gas-fired boiler installations to alternative energy sources;

Addition of caulking and weatherstripping;

Replacement or modification of lighting fixtures (including exterior light fixtures which are physically attached to, or connected to, the building) to increase the energy efficiency of the lighting system without increasing the overall illumination of a facility, unless such increase in illumination is necessary to conform to any applicable State or local building code or, if no such code applies, the increase is considered appropriate by DOE;

Energy recovery systems;

Cogeneration systems which produce steam or forms of energy such as heat as well as electricity for use primarily within a building or a complex of buildings owned by an eligible institution and which meet such fuel efficiency requirements as DOE may by rule prescribe;

Such other measures as DOE identifies by rule for purposes of this part as set forth in subpart D of 10 CFR part 450; and

Such other measures as a grant applicant shows will save a substantial amount of energy and as are identified in an energy audit or energy use evaluation in accordance with § 455.20(k) or a technical assistance report in accordance with § 455.62.

Energy use evaluation means a determination of:

Whether the building is a school facility, hospital facility, or a building owned and primarily occupied and used throughout the year by a unit of local government or by a public care institution.

The name and address of the owner of record, indicating whether owned by a public institution, private nonprofit institution, or an Indian tribe;

The building's potential suitability for renewable resource applications;

Major changes in functional use or mode of operation planned in the next 15 years, such as demolition, disposal, rehabilitation, or conversion from office to warehouse;

Appropriate energy conservation maintenance and operating procedures which have been implemented for the building;

The need, if any, for the acquisition and installation of energy conservation measures including an assessment of the estimated costs and energy and cost savings likely to result from the purchase and installation of one or more energy conservation measures and an evaluation of the need and potential for retrofit based on consideration of one or more of the following:

An energy use index or indices, for example, Btu's per gross square foot per year;

An energy cost index or indices, for example, annual energy costs per gross square foot; or

The physical characteristics of the building envelope and major energy-using systems; and

Such other information as the State has determined useful or necessary, in accordance with § 455.20(k).

Fuel means any commercial source of energy used within the building or complex being surveyed such as natural gas, fuel oil, electricity, or coal.

Governor means the chief executive officer of a State including the Mayor of the District of Columbia or a person duly designated in writing by the Governor to act on her or his behalf.

Grant program cycle means the period of time specified by DOE which relates to the fiscal year or years for which monies are appropriated for grants under this part, during which one complete cycle of DOE grant activity occurs including fund allocations to the States; applications receipt, review, approval, or disapproval; and award of grants by DOE but which does not include the grantee's performance period.

Grantee means the entity or organization named in the Notice of Financial Assistance Award as the recipient of the grant.

Gross square feet means the sum of all heated or cooled floor areas enclosed in a building, calculated from the outside dimensions or from the centerline of common walls.

Heating or cooling system means any mechanical system for heating, cooling, or ventilating areas of a building including a system of through-the-wall air conditioning units.

Heating degree days means the annual sum of the number of Fahrenheit degrees for each day's mean temperature below 65° for a given locality.

Hospital means a public or nonprofit institution which is a general hospital, tuberculosis hospital, or any other type of hospital other than a hospital furnishing primarily domiciliary care and which is duly authorized to provide hospital services under the laws of the State in which it is situated.

Hospital facilities means buildings housing a hospital and related facilities including laboratories, laundries, outpatient departments, nurses' residence and training facilities, and central service facilities operated in connection with a hospital; it also includes buildings containing education or training facilities for health profession personnel operated as an integral part of a hospital.

Indian tribe means any tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community of Indians including any Alaska native village or regional or village corporation, as defined in or established pursuant to, the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, Public Law 92-203; 85 Stat. 688, which (a) is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians; or (b) is located on, or in proximity to, a Federal or State reservation or rancheria.

Load management system means a device or devices which are designed to shift energy use to hours of low demand in order to reduce energy costs and which do not cause more energy to be used than was used before their installation.

Local educational agency means a public board of education or other public authority or a nonprofit institution legally constituted within, or otherwise recognized by, a State either for administrative control or direction of, or to perform administrative services for, a group of schools within a State.

Maintenance means activities undertaken in a building to assure that equipment and energy-using systems operate effectively and efficiently.

Marketing means a program or activity managed or performed by the State including but not limited to:

Obtaining non-Federal funds to finance energy conservation measures consistent with this part;

Making site visits to school and hospital officials to review program opportunities;

Giving presentations to groups such as school or hospital board officials and personnel; and

Preparing and disseminating articles in publications directed to school and hospital personnel.

Native American means a person who is a member of an Indian tribe.

Non-Federal funds means financing sources obtained or arranged for by a State as a result of the State program(s) pursuant to § 455.20(j), to be used to pay for energy conservation measures for institutions eligible under this part, and includes petroleum violation escrow funds except for those funds required to be treated as if they were Federal funds by statute, court order, or settlement agreement.

Operating means the operation of equipment and energy-using systems in a building to achieve or maintain specified levels of environmental conditions of service.

Owned or owns means property interest including without limitation a leasehold interest which is or shall become a fee simple title in a building or complex.

Preliminary energy audit means a determination of the energy consumption characteristics of a building including the size, type, rate of energy consumption, and major energy-using systems of such building which if paid for with financial assistance under this part, complies with 10 CFR 450.42.

Primarily occupied means that in excess of 50 percent of a building's square footage or time of occupancy is occupied by a public care institution or an office or agency of a unit of local government.

Program assistance means a program or activity managed or performed by the State and designed to provide support to eligible institutions to help ensure the effectiveness of energy conservation programs carried out consistent with this part including such relevant activities as:

Evaluating the services and reports of consulting engineers;

Training school or hospital personnel to perform energy accounting and to identify and implement energy conservation maintenance and operating procedures;

Monitoring the implementation and operation of energy conservation measures; and

Aiding in the procurement of energy-efficient equipment.

Public care institution means a public or nonprofit institution which owns:

A facility for long-term care, rehabilitation facility, or public health center, as described in section 1624 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300s-3; 88 Stat. 2270); or

A residential child care center which is an institution, other than a foster home, operated by a public or nonprofit institution. It is primarily intended to provide full-time residential care, with an average length of stay of at least 30 days, for at least 10 minor persons who are in the care of such institution as a result of a finding of abandonment or neglect or of being persons in need of treatment or supervision.

Public or nonprofit institution means an institution owned and operated by:

A State, a political subdivision of a State, or an agency or instrumentality of either; or

A school or hospital which is, or would be in the case of such entities situated in American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, exempt from income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; or

A unit of local government or public care institution which is, or would be in the case of such entities situated in American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, exempt from income tax under section 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

Renewable resource energy conservation measure means an energy conservation measure which produces at least 50 percent of its Btu's from a non-depletable energy source.

School means a public or nonprofit institution which:

Provides, and is legally authorized to provide, elementary education or secondary education, or both, on a day or residential basis;

Provides, and is legally authorized to provide, a program of education beyond secondary education, on a day or residential basis and:

Admits as students only persons having a certificate of graduation from a school providing secondary education, or the recognized equivalent of such certificate;

Is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or association; and

Provides an educational program for which it awards a bachelor's degree or higher degree or provides not less than a 2-year program which is acceptable for full credit toward such a degree at any institution which meets the preceding requirements and which provides such a program;

Provides not less than a 1-year program of training to prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation and which meets the provisions cited in paragraph (2), and subparagraphs (2)(i), and (2)(ii) of this definition; or

Is a local educational agency.

School facilities means buildings housing classrooms, laboratories, dormitories, administrative facilities, athletic facilities, or related facilities operated in connection with a school.

Secretary means the Secretary of the Department of Energy or his/her designee.

State means, in addition to the several States of the Union, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

State energy agency means the State agency responsible for developing State energy conservation plans pursuant to section 362 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6322) or, if no such agency exists, a State agency designated by the Governor of such State to prepare and submit the State Plan required under section 394 of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.

State hospital facilities agency means an existing agency which is broadly representative of the public hospitals and the nonprofit hospitals or, if no such agency exists, an agency designated by the Governor of such State which conforms to the requirements of this definition.

State school facilities agency means an existing agency which is broadly representative of public institutions of higher education, nonprofit institutions of higher education, public elementary and secondary schools, nonprofit elementary and secondary schools, public vocational education institutions, nonprofit vocational education institutions, and the interests of handicapped persons in a State or, if no such agency exists, an agency which is designated by the Governor of such State which conforms to the requirements of this definition.

Support office director means the Director of the DOE field support office with the responsibility for grant administration or any official to whom that function may be redelegated.

Technical assistance means: (1) The conduct of specialized studies to identify and specify energy savings or energy cost savings that are likely to be realized as a result of the modification of maintenance and operating procedures in a building, the acquisition and installation of one or more specified energy conservation measures in a building, or both; and

The planning or administration of such specialized studies. For schools and hospitals which are eligible to receive grants to carry out energy conservation measures, the term also means the planning or administration of specific remodeling, renovation, repair, replacement, or insulation projects related to the installation of energy conservation or renewable resource measures in a building.

Technical assistance program update means a brief revision to an existing technical assistance program report designed to provide current information such as that relating to energy use, equipment costs, and other data needed to substantiate an application for an energy conservation measure grant. Such an update shall be limited to the particular measures included in the related grant application together with any relevant data regarding interactions or relationships to previously installed energy conservation measures.

Unit of local government means the government of a county, municipality, parish, borough, or township which is a unit of general purpose government below the State (determined on the basis of the same principles as are used by the Bureau of the Census for general statistical purposes) and the District of Columbia. Such term also means the recognized governing body of an Indian tribe which governing body performs substantial governmental functions and includes libraries which serve all residents of a political subdivision below the State level (such as a community, district, or region) free of charge and which derive at least 40 percent of their operating funds from tax revenues of a taxing authority below the State level.